A Time To Sell
When it comes to sell your company, a good portion of the value is the prospective buyer’s perception of the business. You want to make sure that early impressions of the business are good. The better the first impressions are, the more likely the business will justify its real value – or it’s asking price […]
Adding Value to Your Company
When it comes to sell your company, a good portion of the value is the prospective buyer’s perception of the business. You want to make sure that early impressions of the business are good. The better the first impressions are, the more likely the business will justify its real value – or it’s asking price […]
Are You Ready to Sell?
You may have decided it’s time to sell, but before you begin the M&A process, you need to take a good, hard look at what you plan to put on the block. Just because you’re ready doesn’t mean buyers will be interested — particularly if this is the first time you’ve thought about preparing your […]
How to Prepare for the Buyer Visit
When a business buyer is serious about a potential acquisition but not quite ready to sign a letter of intent, its owners and executives usually visit the selling company. Although you should provide a tour of your company’s offices and other facilities, the buyer’s main interest during this visit is assessing possible risks and growth […]
Write a Compelling Company Profile
Business buyers typically have many acquisition choices and only limited time to investigate each prospect. Your company profile often is the first impression potential buyers get of your business, so it must grab their attention. By writing a concise, on-point profile that focuses on your company’s best qualities, you can build a compelling case for […]
Don’t Let Disagreements Get Personal
It’s no secret that the objectives of business buyers and sellers are fundamentally at odds with each other. Buyers seek a lower price, sellers a higher. Buyers often want terms that provide tax advantages — terms that may not match the preferences of sellers.Typically, such details get hammered out satisfactorily at the negotiation stage. But […]
Earnouts Are a Potential Solution
Sometimes merger and acquisition negotiations reach an impasse — even when both parties are committed to making the deal succeed. When buyers and sellers are at loggerheads over pricing, all of the transaction’s benefits can fall to the wayside.There may, however, be an alternative: an earnout. With an earnout agreement, the seller might remain with […]
First Impressions will Make or Break You
Running a successful business is time consuming, leaving you little time to plan what may seem like distant succession issues. It’s important, however, to outline an exit plan and make succession decisions as early as possible. Evaluating and grooming possible successors or preparing for an outside sale can take years. And it’s never too early […]
Preselect Your Buyer
Many business owners worry that when they try to sell they’ll be at the mercy of the market and have little control over the types of buyers they attract. That doesn’t have to be the case. Sellers can improve the quality of their applicant pool by preselecting ideal buyers.Of course, market conditions and timing play […]
Selling in an Uncertain Market
Although the U.S. economy is in critical condition, you shouldn’t approach selling your business as you would a funeral. An M&A deal can succeed — even in the current environment — if you start preparing as early as possible. Effective preparation entails streamlining and shoring up your company’s operations and financials, and may require you […]
Scoring with Strategic Buyers
Following several years of stormy weather, the sun is finally beginning to emerge, albeit slowly, on the M&A market. Many observers expect strategic buyers to be major players in this recovery. That’s good news for most business sellers, because strategic buyers typically pay more than financial buyers.Finding and negotiating with strategic buyers isn’t necessarily going […]
The Due Diligence Challenge
With the economy in the midst of a significant recession many private business owners are waiting to sell; however, pending increases in the long-term capital gains tax rate may point to an earlier exit.Most business owners begin the process of selling a business by asking, “How much?” Financial planners advise, however, that the more important […]
Buying Your Own Business
Buying your own business can be a complicated procedure. Throughout the buying process, it’s important to keep an open mind while searching for a business that will fit your needs, talents, skills and lifestyle. A business broker has many different types of businesses for you to consider; however, you need to remember that there is […]
Holding on to Key Employees
During a company merger, the devil is in the details. Identifying key employees and employment issues early on can facilitate a smooth deal. And a communication plan can help prevent, for example, top-producing salespeople from defecting to competitors, decimating the company’s customer base, and affecting its value.It’s important to offer employees incentives to stay, but […]
Roll Up Deals
A roll-up deal occurs when a buyer acquires several businesses and combines them to form one larger company. This type of transaction is somewhat unusual, but it offers an intriguing option for certain buyers and sellers. A small business that would like to become part of a large, multinational company, for example, could find a […]
No I in Merger
Selling or buying a company is time-consuming — even full-time — work. Owners and executives who expect to run their company as usual during the M&A process generally find that they can’t do both jobs well. By assembling a deal team made up of key employees and professional advisors, you relieve some of the pressure […]
Don’t Neglect Stakeholders
Even when the general economy and the M&A market are booming, merger transactions can be hard to close. And when the economic climate is as uncertain as it has been recently, deals can seem like nearly impossible-to-reach goals. Although the selling company’s financial health and the buyer’s ability to get financing remain paramount concerns, neither party […]
Protecting Private Information
A confidentiality agreement typically is the first thing prospective buyers and sellers sign when they enter M&A deal talks. These legal documents may seem like a formality, but they provide the foundation for a transaction’s successful execution and shouldn’t be ignored.A safe space. Confidentiality or nondisclosure agreements are designed to keep information that parties exchange […]
Leveraged Recaps
If you’re thinking about selling your company but are frustrated with the current market, you may want to consider a leveraged recapitalization. These transactions can be risky, and in an uncertain economy you may not want to add debt to your balance sheet. However, for some companies looking to raise capital, a leveraged recap can […]
A Good Time to Sell a Business
Given the state of the financial markets and general economy, now may seem like an unlikely time to sell a company. But selling in the current market can actually be less challenging than you think — and may even provide benefits you haven’t considered.Determining whether to sell is always a difficult and complex decision, involving […]
The New Tax Landscape
If you’re considering buying or selling a business, the precarious state of the economy shouldn’t be your only concern. You also need to think about the potential for major tax law changes that could affect business owners and a few that could affect M&A transactions. You should be prepared to work with your advisors to […]
Attracting Private Equity Investors
At a time when publicly owned companies are finding it extremely difficult to access the capital they need to make acquisitions, private equity groups (PEGs) can still be an option for some business sellers. PEGs tend to be less constricted because they’re not as reliant on the credit markets, and many are looking to put […]
The ESOP Option
I received a call from Mr. Smith today. We had talked on the phone a month or so ago when he asked if I “do ESOPs.” I confessed that I don’t specialize in ESOPs — I represent business owners in maximizing value and minimizing risk in the sale of private companies. He was friendly and […]
Become a Broker
Do you want to be a part of a growth industry with tremendous upside potential? Demographic trends in the United States, and around the world, suggest that business brokerage is just such an industry. An aging baby-boomer population, corporate downsizing/outsourcing and globalization are all augmenting the desirability of owning a small business. Most people, however, […]
Keep or Sell Test
Knowing when to act and when not to act is a key component in all important decisions. Likewise, knowing when to keep your business and when to sell it can make a significant difference in the success of your exit and your future financial security. Take the following test and review your answers with your […]

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